The True North archaeology team has extensive experience providing terrestrial archaeological services within rural and urban environments. The stages of archaeological assessment in Ontario include:
Stage 1: Background Study and Property Inspection
Stage 2: Property Assessment
Stage 3: Site-Specific Assessment
Stage 4: Site Mitigation
Using advanced technology, geophysics and remotely operated vehicles, the True North archaeology team can complete marine archaeological assessments in any aquatic landscape, including lakes, rivers and harbours. The team has experience providing all stages of marine archaeological assessments in Ontario, from desktop reviews to complex field investigations and developing site-specific mitigation strategies for submerged cultural resources.
Assessments within and around registered and unregistered cemeteries can be a complicated undertaking. The True North archaeology team have a strong understanding of the legislative requirements to successfully complete any project in advance of construction.
Each kit can be tailored to your specific area or project, and depending on availability, can be made from local materials. These kits have been used for hands-on training when identifying commonly recovered lithic material, as well as bone and antler implements.
These teaching kits have been used for a variety of purposes, including Chance Find Management Plans, training new archaeologists or Indigenous Field Schools, and as a useful reference collection showcasing various stages of lithic reduction and common tool types.
Reproductions are packaged in individual hard clear plastic cases with foam padding, as well as stored in an easy-to-carry hard protective case.
True North Archaeological Services offers a wide range of services specifically related to archaeological assessments within the Province of Ontario. Our team of Professionally Licensed Archaeologists can provide assistance acquiring the approvals required to undertake your proposed development or project. We have a combined 40 years of consulting experience and have been involved in over 700 terrestrial and marine archaeological assessments.